I’ve spent the last week or so staring at trees, trying to see some sign that Spring has arrived, like what the clocks are telling me, but which the sky and the weather are firmly denying. Finally, there’s starting to be evidence that actually, all life on Earth hasn’t just frozen over and we’re not about to enter a new Twilight Age, where it’s always semi-dark, a little bit nippy, going-to-rain-in-a-bit, and all a bit murky. Looking out the window of the train on the way home from work, I noticed something that put a song in my heart and a skip in my step (not to mention the smallest twinkle in my eye) - some blossoms. Blossoms! That means only two things - (1) that Spring Is Officially Here and (2) exams are on the way.
Hoorah to Spring and all it’s flowering glory, hoorah to light in the afternoons, hoorah to foolishly leaving the house in just a t-shirt and cardigan because it looks nice from inside, hoorah to the prospect of beer gardens and wasps and icecream and sun burn and sweating on the tube and dehydration and stinking of sweat and…
… actually I’d quite like the Autumn back, please.
Hoorah to Spring and all it’s flowering glory, hoorah to light in the afternoons, hoorah to foolishly leaving the house in just a t-shirt and cardigan because it looks nice from inside, hoorah to the prospect of beer gardens and wasps and icecream and sun burn and sweating on the tube and dehydration and stinking of sweat and…
… actually I’d quite like the Autumn back, please.