Two new diaries that I've been meaning to bring to people's notice, but have been too lazy to.
1. Today this site is called I have knees but happily that changes as often as he changes his socks. Which, I'm sure, is quite often. It's a London marathon diary, written in the style (today at least) of someone who really doesn't want to run the London marathon.
2. A diary being kept by a journalist reporting from the war. You may remember Jonathon Glasgow from his diary during the 2002 Edinburgh Festival, in which he mistakenly reported meeting myself and Susan. This site gives a brilliant insight into the mind of one man who accidentally travelled with British troops right into the heart of war.
Sample entry -
March 20, 2003
None of us know quite exactly what is going on. Least of all me. I just spoke to Rageh Omar on the telephone. He is actually in Baghdad and I'm attempting to link up with him later today.
I said to him: "It's an evil thing war". There was silence. What sounded like a man crying. I said it again, "it's an evil thing war". Rageh said something about officers and gentlemen and unconditional surrender. Then the line went dead.
I think he thought I said, "Evelyn Waugh".