Well, gosh.
What with one thing and another (namely my back problems, but also Eoin’s brief incarceration at Her Majesty’s Pleasure… actually, who takes pleasure when you’re locked up in Belgium for trying to smuggle a suspicious package across the border? The package, you’ll all know from the Irish Times coverage, contained nothing more than some bars of hand-made soap, a packet of cheap cigarillos and three blind (and dead) mice. While waiting in custody to hear the final test results on the mice, Eoin made the unfortunate mistake of threatening one of the Belgian police with vague notions of higher powers, to which the district attorney (or whatever the equivalent is there) took great exception. Thankfully, that whole episode is behind us now, and Eoin has returned to living in my garden shed, emerging only occasionally to rap on my sitting room window and ask what’s happening in Coronation Street)…
That’s too many words inside brackets to be able to continue a sentence sensibly. What with one thing and another (see above), the book launch has been rescheduled to happen this weekend, with events taking place in both Dublin and London – the plan is that myself and Eoin will attend both parties, swapping in between the events like tag-team wrestlers and woo-ing the book reviewing public with our wit, talent, and free narcotics. At least, that’s the plan. Our publisher assures us – or rather assures me since Eoin is no longer interested in meeting people that don’t live outside the fictional ITV village of Weatherfield – that this a great idea, launching the book on both sides of the radioactive sea at the same time, and hopefully catching the eye of the American market. I am personally quite worried at the prospect of unleashing the world on Eoin, let along unleashing Eoin on the world, but I’m not in PR, and therefore can’t quite think along the same lines as them. And for that, I thank the good Lord every day.