Okay, okay. Enough of the self pity. It's very hard, when stuck in the house by yourself (save for a small jack russell who is slightly frightened of me after all the crying I've been doing) all day, with nothing and no one to keep you company, other than Columbo, to not sink into some kind of introspective funk, where nothing looks good, there's absolutely no hope, and listening to Turin Brakes and Ben & Jason all day adds nothing to the mix. And that sentence is far too long.
But no more. I have today applied for a new job. My favourite thing to tell other people is the fact that I have never failed to get any job I've ever applied for, once I get to the interview stage. So I've already decided I've got this one, although I'm totally over qualified. I'm still all achy and cranky and not really able to go anywhere or do anything productive, but damn it all. This is no way to start a new year.
So. Even though it might really hurt, I'm going to get my hair cut. I'm going to dye my hair a nice bright colour. I might even manage to buy some new clothes before the pain gets too much, and generally I'm going to try to cheer myself up through retail therapy, before facing the fresh hell of returning to my stinking nine to five next Monday morning.
(Note - I've tried this approach already this week. I've bought a DVD player (£148.00) and ten DVDs (£90) this week in an attempt to drag myself out of my pit of doom. It hasn't worked. Now I'm depressed that I've got no money in the bank.)