Making plans. It's a great idea. Although Edel did point out that going to the hairdresser in my current condition would probably just be the easiest way to get stabbed in the neck when my back goes in to spasm. I'll have to go back to work looking like a scarecrow instead.
I got 10 Monkees videos in the post today. That really cheered me up. And me and Edel got up this morning at 9am and watched a video in an attempt to get me back in to a normal sleeping pattern.
I talked to my physio today about going back to work - she said I should probably go back to the doctor's before I go, but since I couldn't get an appointment with my normal GP (and could only get one with the horrible man who was, thinking about it, quite inappropriate when he last visited with some of his language and comments) I've decided I'd better go back in. Just to see how it goes. I'm really looking forward to it.