Just in time for the New Year, I decided that the best thing to do was to make one of the discs in my spine - those things that stop you from feeling a lot of pain, enable you to walk, stand up, sit or lie down in comfort - slip out of place. As a result, I got to spend my first Hogmany in Edinburgh lying on the floor in the front room listening to the fireworks going off. I stepped outside for the first time this year yesterday. Today is the first time I've been able to sit up for longer than 5 minutes.
Goodness me, though. That's a lot of pain. You haven't felt pain until you've tried to sit up and had sheer sharp agony travel very rapidly from the base of your spine right up to the middle of your skull. Two different doctors came over to the house - one of them commented that our flat was "disgusting" (I think he was referring to the fact that it hadn't been hoovered for a while) - and they both gave me strong painkillers and also lovely, yummy, tasty valium. I've spent the time watching Columbo, and thanks to the valium, I've not been able to work out the ending until Columbo explains it.
I've got two weeks off work, which is about the only advantage I can see in this whole debacle. Hopefully, in the next week, I'll start to be able to crack on with my Open University studies, and maybe even manage to get down to London to attend the party that we've been planning to hold for the last 4 months. Or I might just stay up here and sulk.
How was your new year?