I have received an incredibly flattering review of this site from the weblog review, which I entered my site in to nearly a year ago. Thank the Lord they called round while I was in the middle of writing some actual content.
I've never really considered the proper structure of a weblog, and have basically been writing things as they occur to me, with no real consideration towards linear storylines or plotting or even introductions for people who have stumbled across it looking for something entirely different. But I guess an "About Me" page might be useful, even though I never read them on anyone else's sites - I just leap straight in, and if I like the most recent post, I might consider reading the archives.
All that said, the review has made me slightly more determined to do something more with this - considering it's nearly a year on line now, and I've not really moved past linking up to things other people have already linked up to.
The television reviews have fallen slightly behind, due to the fact that the only television shows I've watched in the last week are the three that I've already reviewed. Tonight, I will concentrate, and tomorrow you'll be treated to my overblown opinion. This weekend, I'm even going to the cinema. Bet you can't wait.