A really quick wrap up of all the pertinent links I could find in my lunch break, in response to reading Tony the Blair's dossier of doom, or "10 reasons why we should go to war".
- Gulf War 1 veterans express their fears that we have learnt nothing from the first time round.
- The "corrupt, feckless and downright dangerous" people Bush wants to succeed Saddam Hussein.
- We know what nuclear components they have because we sold it to them
- The weapons inspection team of the International Atomic Energy Agency take part in a webchat for the BBC
- Voices of opposition from within the British government.
- Not in my name: Do you know what your government is doing?
- "Coming up next: Sources say Saddam may have anthrax-laden ballistic missiles aimed at your child's bedroom!" - This modern world
- Protest Bush: Citizens for Legitimate Government