I was going to try to keep up posting on this blog along with posting on the Comedy Lounge blog, along with writing reviews and generally staying alive, but it seems that that is an impossible dream, so for the next month (aside from a few infrequent entries here) can I ask you all to go read the Comedy Lounge blog instead, cos I'm too damn tired to keep up with both.
While I am utterly loving every single last drink-sodden moment of the Festival, there are the very briefest of occasions - say, when I'm trying to crawl out of bed, or when I'm sitting sweating myself to death during another tediously awful and badly thought through comedy show - when I've started to think that maybe having my own life back could possible be a bit of a nice thing...
Those doubts are, of course, quickly thrown aside by a swift pint and the sight of people dancing across the courtyard.
I'll take my already over-tired person to bed. It'll all look better in the morning. Besides, tomorrow the first Festival Pullout of the Evening News appears, and that's bound to cause equal amounts of excitement and contreversy. You heard it here first (although it was probably misspelled).