hello hello.
It's been far, far too long. I've said this to one other person, and he reads this weblog, so I'm really sorry to be repeating myself Eoin, but these things happen when the people you correspond with are both lazy and prone to drinking alcohol at weekends.
The reason I've been appallingly rubbish with this weblog over the last three weeks are threefold:
(1) I've been ill
(2) I've not been online and
(3) I've got a dog.
These various excuses meant that
(1) up until this week, I couldn't stand up, let alone sit down, let alone email people or update the blog;
(2) I didn't have internet access until last weekend when my Mum was gracious enough to come over and make it all come true, and
(3) I've been out in the adjacent park with the dog for most of my free time.
My new flat is glorious, I'm terribly happy here, my sister has moved over, so there's someone to look after me for the moments when I can't actually walk, I'm having physiotherapy, I've nearly handed in my notice at work in time for the Edinburgh Festival, and generally all things are good and great and fab.
I've also been drinking. Isn't red wine fabulous?
(It really doesn't help your spelling.)
The dog is sitting on Edel's legs, watching Big Brother. In a minute, we'll take her outside to the park. My life is fabulous, have I mentioned?
Edel has said that I have to point out to whoever I'm writing to that I'm a "pisshead". I disagree. I say that it is just me embracing life. It could also be the fact that I've a lower tolerance of alcohol, but dammit that's nothing to be mocked for. If anything, doesn't it make me more endearing?
Answers to sharon@drugsmakemecool.com
(I don't have the energy to make that into a link. Good night y'all)