No word back from any of the people that have seen the flat so far, but we've had two more visitors today. One was a girl whose nationality I have completely forgotten, and whose name I didn't know in the first place, who arrived twenty minutes after I had woken up in a panic. My room looks a complete shambles, due to the fact that I started packing last night and there are boxes and piles of things everywhere. I'm not sure she was sold on the place, so I don't expect to hear back from her.
The second girl was a Spanish girl, which was a nice change from all the Australians we've been meeting. She was very organised and asked so many more questions than anyone else has so far. Even so, I don't think she was all that interested. She took our house number and said she'd call back. I don't expect she will.
People are still ringing for the room, and we have at least three more people coming tomorrow night. My phone has keeps threatening to give up the ghost once more, but seems to spring back to life every now and again. I full expect that the next time it dies, it will be gone for good, so I've changed the message on the answering machine to include the house number. I'm going to miss that big brick of a phone. I don't want another one. Life just isn't fair.
Right. Back to packing.