I am a winner!
I, along with many hundreds of others, got an email from Dave Gorman yesterday, asking me very politely to vote for his book to be included on the shortlist for The Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize. Yes, I’ve never heard of that prize either. But I voted, and, for my trouble, I’ve won a set of PG Wodehouse books which, if you know me, you’ll know makes me very happy indeed.
So happy, in fact, that I’m going to strive ahead with my newest of resolutions, and that is to take part in the blogging tradition that is known as the Friday Five. Here we go then.
1. What shampoo do you use?
Whatever shampoo has the prettiest packaging / been on offer / is nearest to hand in the shower.
2. Do you use conditioner? What kind?
I don’t use conditioner now that my hair is splendidly short, except for the stuff that you get when you dye your hair. That stuff, due to my hair’s splendid lack of length, has been known to last me up to four days.
3. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
I usually get it cut about every six weeks, but it’s coming up to ten weeks now, because the last time I got it cut, the hairdresser got slightly over enthusiastic and tried to shear me like a sheep. I therefore haven’t needed one up until about two days ago when I noticed how long my hair is suddenly getting.
4. What styling products do you use?
I currently use Taming Water made by the splendid scientists of Laboratoires Garnier. It’s for short hair and promises long-lasting strong hold. It doesn’t provide that, but it stops my hair from looking skanky for up to one whole hour a day. I sometimes finish off my style with Lee Stafford ‘messed up’ gel stuff, which I chose simply on the grounds that the packaging is pink.
5. What's your worst hair-related experience?
I can’t tolerate having people stand very closely behind me, and when people speak when standing directly behind me, it makes me involuntarily jump. When people touch the back of my neck, even if I know they’re going to do it, it makes me involuntarily jump. Therefore, getting my hair cut makes me involuntarily jump. I used to try explaining that to hairdressers, but it seems to make them nervous, so now I tried to brave it out. About three years ago, the braving it out thing didn’t work, I jumped, and the hairdresser cut the top of my right ear. And that hurt.
That was fun. I hope you all feel you know that little bit more about me.